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Category : Main > Education, Teaching Jobs
Head of Communications Post # : 97875
Date Posted :August 28, 2013
Location:Delhi, India
Salary/Rate: 20 lakhs
Third sector Partners (TSP) is an executive search firm. We are retained by GDN for this search.
Global Development Network is looking to hire an individual with strong interest in the development issues and with concrete domain knowledge of action and policy making coupled with international exposure. S/he must have minimum 10 years of experience. The incumbent is expected to have proficient communication skills as S/he will have to coordinate with the Global GDN team to ensure synchronization of overall GDN communication strategy. He has to interact with various stakeholders like Govt. bodies, media for PR etc. He will be responsible for other communication with regards to events, seminars, workshops, online communications, programs, trainings etc.
Interested Candidates can send their CVs on - headcomsgdn@gmail.com
Shortlisted candidates will be contacted by us.

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