| Charisse Abalos Protects Children’s Right through
Code of Parental Res | Post # : 103590 |
| | Poster: | charisse2015 | Date Posted : | October 21, 2015 | Location: | Mysore, * Other | Salary/Rate: | 8 | | |
In an effort to address the increasing rate of juvenile delinquents and alarming rate of child abuse in Mandaluyong, headed by Mayor Benhur Abalos, enforced an ordinance that gives special protection to children from all forms of abuse, cruelty, exploitation, neglect and other conditions that would deter their development.
Know more at http://charisseabalos.com/, the official website of Councilor Charisse Abalos Or call us at 02-5325001 loc. 578 Email us at itsmecharisseabalos@gmail.com Our office Address is 3F BOC Building, City Hall Compound, Maysilo Circle, Mandaluyong City 1550 Councilor Charisse Marie Abalos with the support of the entire City Government of Mandaluyong,
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